Monday, September 16, 2013


Today while driving into town I noticed the end result of an out of control auto taking out 40' of fence and a power pole.  The phone company had been there and chain sawed down the lower portion of the pole leaving the splintered remains hanging high above. Apparently phone service was not interrupted.  I imagine the motto of "If it ain't broke don't fix it."  works for them.

Power and phone poles are all around us. They are less than eye candy so our brain shunts them off to "Never Never Land" nerve never to be noticed.  

Billions and billions of calls are routed around the corner and the world.

Until this happens.

"We're sorry your call cannot be completed as dialed please try your call again later."   Much later.

AAA reminds us: "Happy Motoring."

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Petaluma Wetlands

The Petaluma Wetlands are parched this time of year but the locals don't seem to mind, splashing about in the few acres of water and looking for dinner where it can be found.

Two Redheads in the late afternoon on the lookout for a snack.

Four shorebirds bills snuggled in for a nap, Mallard with an itch.

The Redhead spots lunch be careful what you wish for.

Saturday, August 17, 2013


On an adventure to Southern California I met up with my friend and fellow photographer where I was treated to day at the beach.

A gaggle of pelicans cavorting on the sand.

A southern view of north bound pelicans.

Sparro vs Harpoon  

A friendly race, maybe.

Houston we have splashdown

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Santa Barbara & Goleta

Rancho La Patera
Stow House
Goleta, North of Santa Barbara
Purchased in 1871 by the Stow family
Known for its lemon groves. Today it is a state park, kept in its natural environs.

Lake Stow, today known as Lake Los Cameros, was originally a holding pond for water from the local mountains to irrigate the orchards.

A Coot, one of many visitors to the clear lush ponds. 

Ruddy Duck on the paddle

You know me....Right?  I don't know me. Does anyone out there, maybe one of you birders, have any idea who I am. Help!

I'm a sagebrush lizard waiting for lunch to come along. 

The old "Aermotor" wind pump used to provide fresh water to the Stow house still operating today.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Migratory Birds Slowly Return

Old friends returning to Sonoma County.  The Red Tail Hawks I've seen on several occasions around the area but this guy flew into the tree outside my studio window. To get the picture I was standing on one foot leaning over my work bench toward the window, the other foot in the air behind me for balance. One hand on the camera elbow on top of the computer screen and the other hand parting the blinds to get the telephoto through.  Your typical stance of a wildlife photographer.

To see the full photos click once on the picture and wait.

At the Petaluma Wet Lands a Ruddy Duck and a good many of his friends have made an early appearance.

The Shoveler duck joins the Ruddys.