This time of year we see a number of Wild Turkeys in Sonoma County. These two have recently been spending time in my pasture. After taking several pix I did a bit of research on the birds and discovered no less that six references to the Ben Franklin stories......I paraphrase.
Ben Franklin, in a letter, spoke out in favor of the Turkey over the Bald Eagle as our nations symbol.
The American Bald Eagle, Franklin pointed out, in the bird world the eagle is a thief and a bully. The cunning eagle poaches the food of other birds rather than hunt for himself. He is frequently chased by smaller birds who are determined to flush him away from their nesting area.
Ben Franklin allegedly stated we would be better off with the Turkey as our national bird. At this point he may have his tongue placed firmly in his cheek.
Perhaps the saddest truth is the bald eagle is totally uneatable and would never grace the thanksgiving table.
A side note: The middle eastern country, Turkey, does not have a national bird.