Saturday, January 21, 2012


After days of below freezing weather it warmed up enough to rain.  Sitting in my studio huddled around the heater I remember summer.  Yesterday I drove over to the wet lands looking for pictures to be taken and for the first time came home empty handed.  There were a few Shoveler ducks some old Coots a Swan and several Canadian geese too old or too lazy to fly further south, all were out around the middle of the mile long lake sitting on a mud flat. I believe they were playing poker. 
It is time I look for new visuals of Sonoma County to bring to you.  If you have something you would like to see in our county,  please write to me via "Post a Comment" at the bottom of this page.
As my old riding partner would say, "The frost is on the pumpkin."
These photos were taken last summer. I am in search for a new look at Sonoma County.